With the weather heating up, we are currently in mosquito season. If you're outside for much of the day, it’s nearly impossible to avoid being bitten.
CDC research shows ((https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/67/wr/mm6717e1.htm)) the number of reported illnesses caused by mosquitoes, fleas and ticks has tripled in the past 12 years.. leading scientists to call it a “large and growing public health concern.”
Dr. Brianna Varas says "we do not have to stay indoors all season to keep mosquitoes from dining on you. You want to use bug spray that has less than 30 % deet. Try to use the minimum amount deet you can, that will be effective."
To protect yourself and your family— also plan to remove any standing water around your home. this means- making sure items like planters, buckets and toys are dry. Standing water is mosquito breeding ground. You also want to avoid being outdoors while mosquitoes are most active, which is generally during dusk and dawn. When possible wear long sleeves or pants. Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, so try to pick light/ neutral colored clothing like pastels and white.
"Especially for our patients that are allergic to bug bites we do recommend that they use adequate bug spray every time they go outside, especially in south florida since we have so many mosquitoes," said Dr. Varas.
The cdc recommends you do not use insect repellent on infants under 2 months old, so if your going outside with your little ones maybe take a thermacell or spray down the outside of your stroller with insect repellent before putting your little one inside.