Sony first introduced it’s robotic dog, named Aibo, in 1999. Last year it got a relaunch with some new tricks, including a cloud connection and the ability to recognize faces! We went to an owner’s meet-up where proud parents of these pooches shared a play date.
"Its meant to bring a lot of fun and joy to your family. Aibo develops its own personality through everyday interaction," said Michiko Kelley, Sony employee.
Aibo follows human commands and can sit, play dead, dance and sing. Aibo has 22 joints, a lifelike tail and OLED eyes that help bring it to life. There are also sensors, cameras and microphones to listen and watch for your commands. Plus, a cellular connection to teach it new tricks.
"Anytime time we put out a software update or seasonal updates, automatically Aibo receives all the updates," said Kelley.
The battery powered pooch can even walk itself to it’s charging station. It might be the perfect pet for the elderly or anyone who can’t commit to the real thing.