“Sonic the Hedgehog” is an adventure comedy film based on the video game franchise by Sega.
“Sonic”, voiced by Ben Schwartz, escapes his world to come to Earth. After accidentally causing a gigantic power outage in Green Hills, Montana, him and Police Officer "Tom Wachowski", played by James Marsden, must defeat "Dr. Ivo Robotnik", played by the incredible Jim Carrey, as he wants “Sonic’s” powers for world domination.
The original release date for the film was November 8, 2019, but after the movie's first trailer release, fans had a massive reaction to the “Sonic” design. Paramount Pictures had delayed the film to redesign the character. Ben Schwartz is proud of being part of a film where the fan base had a major contribution to the movie.
“Before that trailer came out, we had no idea how many people would even care we were making a movie. We were so passionate about it and we didn’t know what the fan base was going to say. The biggest thing we got when that first trailer came out was that there are people that are very passionate about this, very excited, and there is a huge fan base. The way he looks now is exactly how I imagined him in my head when I was voicing him. So, it’s perfect,” said Schwartz.
To see how Ben Schwartz prepared for the role, what superhero he’s always wanted to play, and why “Sonic the Hedgehog” is the perfect Valentine’s Day date then click on the Video!
“Sonic the Hedgehog” comes to South Florida theaters on February 14!