Inside South Florida


Achieve Perfect Abs with Fitness Expert Heather Frey


Heather Frey, fitness expert and founder of SmashFit, joined Inside South Florida to discuss the secrets of achieving those coveted six-pack abs.

Heather explains that while planks are an excellent exercise for tightening the core, they alone cannot give you a six-pack. "Planks should be part of your fitness toolbox," says Heather. "To build muscle, especially abs, you need to contract them and use weights. Planks are an isometric exercise, meaning the muscles stay static. It’s like holding your arm out and expecting to build biceps—without contraction, the muscle won't grow. To see a six-pack, those muscles need to grow." Heather emphasizes the need for a comprehensive approach to ab workouts, incorporating various exercises to achieve optimal results.

Heather shares advanced plank moves that elevate the workout and target all parts of the abs, core, and glutes:

  • Mountain Climber Planks: Get into the plank position, then pull your knees into your chest, focusing on using your abs. This adds mobility and increases the difficulty level.
  • Twist Planks: In the same plank position, bring your knee to your elbow with a twist. This move targets the obliques, the muscles running down the sides of your abs.

Heather also demonstrates the proper plank form, emphasizing the importance of keeping the core tight, the back straight, and the head in a neutral position.
Heather highlights common mistakes to avoid when doing planks:

  • Avoid sagging or arching the back.
  • Keep the head in a neutral position, slightly looking ahead of the hands.
  • Focus on tightening the core throughout the exercise.

Heather suggests starting with 30 seconds and increasing the duration as you become more comfortable. "Once you’re comfortable with 30 seconds, it’s time to up your game," she says. The advanced moves Heather demonstrates will not only tighten the core but also improve overall strength and stability.
Planks are a valuable exercise for tightening the core but alone won't give you a six-pack. Incorporating advanced moves and other exercises is essential for building and defining abdominal muscles.

For more fitness tips and exercises, follow Heather Frey on Instagram at @heathersmashfitor visit her website at

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