Inside South Florida


Achieve the Perfect Sleep with Expert Olivia Arezzolo


Are you a bear, a lion, or a wolf when it comes to sleep? Understanding your sleep chronotype can be the key to achieving the perfect night's rest, according to Olivia Arezzolo, the world's leading sleep expert, author, and speaker. Olivia joined Inside South Florida to share insights from her best-selling book, "Bear, Lion, or Wolf," which has been published in 10 countries.

Olivia's book introduces the concept of sleep chronotypes—a categorization system for circadian rhythms that indicates ideal bedtimes and wake times.

  • Lions are early risers who prefer to go to bed and wake up early. They are natural-born leaders, health-oriented, and thrive on routine.
  • Wolves are night owls who stay up late and sleep in. They are creative, boundary-pushers, and think outside the box.
  • Bears love a lot of sleep and fall somewhere in between, going to bed and waking up at more conventional times. They are humble, grounded, and the team players who get things done.

To determine your chronotype, consider both your sleep preferences and personality traits. Olivia provides tips for perfecting your sleep, especially for wolves and bears who may benefit from napping:

  1. Keep it short: Nap for less than 30 minutes.
  2. Keep it dark: Use an eye mask.
  3. Keep it early: Finish your nap before 3:30 PM.

Technology often disrupts sleep due to blue light from screens, which suppresses the melatonin hormone. Olivia recommends wearing blue light blocking glasses before bed to reduce nighttime awakenings by 62%, allowing the body to produce melatonin naturally.
To learn more about Olivia Arezzolo’s insights and purchase her book, visit her Instagram @oliviaarezzolo or find her book on Amazon.

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