Many of us know about the benefits of a wellness routine, but maybe not much else. Megan Roup, Celebrity Trainer and Wellness Expert, shared some tips about getting healthy. When it comes to snacking, Roup says to find snacks that keep us fueled and motivated. Almonds and almond products are perfect examples. Almond butter is rich in vitamin E and magnesium to help you stay energized and stick to your goals.
How do we get back into a wellness routine if we lose track of our resolutions? Megan says, first and foremost, don’t beat yourself up. Go outside, get some Vitamin D, and go for a walk.
Community is another major way to help yourself meet wellness goals. Friendships and accountability buddies help you stay on track. Also, make sure your fridge is stocked for success with healthy options like leafy greens, almonds, eggs, avocado, almond butter, and fruits.
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