Inside South Florida


Fitness Expert Heather Frey shares a full body workout with just dumbbells


With how busy life gets, it can be tough to find time for a good workout. That is why Fitness Expert, Heather Frey joined Inside South Florida to share some tips on getting a full body workout with just dumbbells.

“One of the best things about dumbbells is that they're inexpensive,” says Frey. “They're not hard to find, and they don't take up any space.”

The shoulder press is an exercise that will fill out your torso.

“You're going to take the weights, you're going to put your elbows about parallel to the ground, and you're going to push the weight straight up, make sure your arms are straight, they don't have to be locked, but they need to be straight,” says Frey. “The idea is that you're going to get a full extension with those weights and really make those shoulders work, and then come back down to the starting position.”

Laterals ensure you hit the front, the middle, and the back part of the shoulder.

“The first is side laterals, you're going to take the weights by your sides, and you're going to lift them straight out about parallel to the ground. Your arms don't have to be perfectly straight, but you don't want them bent,” says Frey. “Then you're going to go to the front, straight out to the front again parallel to the ground. And then you're going to hit those back laterals by sitting in a chair or a couch or even if you just bend over.”

Bicep curls will have your arms thanking you next time you’re at the beach.

“You're going to take the weights, you're going to pull them straight up and contract all the way to the top,” says Frey. “Then you're going to let them come all the way back down to your side. You want a full extension that makes the muscles work hard.”

Don’t forget to fill out your arms with a tricep workout.

“You're going to take the weight, you're going to put it straight above your head and then come back down, make sure elbows are facing more in the forward position, you just don't want them winged out,” says Frey. “Then you're going to push straight up to the top of that move.”

For an ab workout you don't have to use a weight, you can if you're looking to mix things up.

“Take that weight, hold it to your chest, and do sit-ups. You can secure your feet under a couch or a piece of furniture to help out or you don't have to,” says Frey. “If you want to take things up even one more notch, take that weight, and at the top of the move, push that weight above your head.”

Dumbbells can also make squats an even more effective leg workout.

“You're going to take the weight in both hands shoulder width apart or use one weight, whatever works best for you. You're going to look straight ahead, your back straight and you're going to squat,” says Frey. “When you get to the top of that move, squeezing those glutes together gives them a little extra oomf and makes them work a little bit harder.”

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