Inside South Florida


Fort Lauderdale Welcomes Its First Women's Pro Soccer Team


Fort Lauderdale is making history with the launch of its first-ever professional women's soccer team, the United Soccer League's Fort Lauderdale United. Recently, Inside South Florida had the honor of welcoming CEO Deon Graham and Head Coach Tyrone Mears to the studio. They shared their passion, vision, and excitement for this groundbreaking venture, which promises to invigorate the local sports scene and create a unifying force for the community. As anticipation builds, Fort Lauderdale United is poised to not only compete but also to inspire and uplift women's soccer in South Florida.

The arrival of a new professional women's soccer team is a significant milestone for Fort Lauderdale. CEO Deon Graham expressed his enthusiasm: "It means a lot. Fort Lauderdale has been looking for something to get behind… To bring a franchise here and build a brand that people can rally behind gets me up every day." Graham, a South Florida native, emphasized the importance of creating a local identity that residents can be proud of.

Head Coach Tyrone Mears shared his excitement about leading the team. "It's amazing, firstly for the women's game… and also to bring a new team here,” he said. “In terms of getting the community out, the fans, the players we're going to be bringing here. It's going to be a party." Mears highlighted the dual goals of fostering a competitive spirit and promoting the growth of women's soccer.

Mears is focused on building a team culture that emphasizes both winning and the development of the women's game. "Firstly, a culture to compete and win is important. But on the whole, [it's about] growing the game... That's the number one thing we got involved in this," Mears explained. The team will feature players from around the world, including local talent from Florida, reinforcing a sense of unity and community involvement.

Graham and Mears are committed to engaging the local community and creating a strong fan base. "The product we're going to have on the field and off the field is going to really rally the community to stand behind us and unite," said Graham. The team is determined to provide a thrilling experience for fans and to become a cornerstone of the local sports culture.

For those eager to support Fort Lauderdale United, more information can be found at, including details on tickets, player signings, and club news. The team is also active on social media under the handle @FTLUTD on all major platforms.

The excitement is building as Fort Lauderdale United prepares to make its mark on the professional women's soccer scene. With a dedicated leadership team and a clear vision, the future looks bright for this new addition to South Florida’s vibrant sports community.

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