Exploravision is the world’s largest K through 12 science competition, and for 30 years, it has allowed kids to show off their science skills. STEM Advocate, Justin Shaifer, joined Inside South Florida to tell us more about the contest and how you can get involved.
“It opens kids' minds, expands their imaginations, and gives them opportunities to develop an interest in science, technology, engineering, and math,” says Shaifer. “This year, we had 2,000 teams participate and up to 6,000 students from K through 12 in the United States and Canada.”
For kids who love science, it is a perfect opportunity to put their skills to the test.
“There were some really cool projects that came out this year,” says Shaifer. “We had the CC bot, which is this nanorobot that travels to your heart and solves issues with cardiovascular disease. We have the diabetic balance shoe, which helps with balance and coordination and also alleviates issues with diabetes. We had the no more nightmare pajamas, which attach electrodes to pajamas and alleviated kids’ nightmares and helped them with their sleep patterns. Some really innovative ideas here that made you think, ‘I should have come up with that.’”
For more info, visit exploravision.org
This Inside South Florida Segment is paid for by Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision