Inside South Florida


Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches You Can Meal Prep


The Concerned Cook, Aymara Lucero, made another stop at the Inside South Florida studio, where she shared a delicious and healthy breakfast sandwich recipe that's perfect for meal prepping. This easy-to-make sandwich is not only nutritious but also convenient for those busy mornings when you need a quick and satisfying meal.


  • Sprouted English Muffins: These are a healthier alternative to regular white English muffins. You can also use wheat muffins if preferred.
  • Cheddar Cheese: Adds a creamy, melty texture to the sandwich.
  • Tomato: Fresh slices of Campari tomatoes add a burst of flavor.
  • Eggs: A great source of protein, with one egg per sandwich.


  1. Cook the Eggs: Start by heating about two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a pan. Whisk the eggs as you would for scrambled eggs and then pour them into the hot pan to cook into one even layer, similar to an omelet.
  2. Assemble the Sandwiches: Once the egg is cooked, cut it into quarters. Place a slice of cheese on one side of the English muffin, followed by the egg. Add thin slices of tomato on the other side. The warmth of the egg will help melt the cheese, creating a delicious, melty sandwich.
  3. Meal Prep Tip: You can prepare several sandwiches at once and store them in the fridge. When you're ready to eat, simply pop the sandwich in the microwave to heat it up, making it perfect for on-the-go mornings.

This breakfast sandwich is not only healthy but also versatile. You can toast the English muffin if you prefer, and it's easy to customize with your favorite ingredients. The combination of sprouted English muffins, eggs, and cheese provides a balanced meal that will keep you full and energized throughout the morning.
For more healthy recipes and tips from Aymara Lucero, be sure to follow Concerned Cook on social media, @concernedcook.

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