Inside South Florida


Healthy Summer Mocktails and Snacks

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Diana Mesa from En La Mesa Nutrition recently joined us on Inside South Florida to share some delicious and healthy summer recipes that are perfect for the whole family. With a focus on nutritious ingredients, Diana introduced us to a refreshing mocktail and a surprising dessert that's both tasty and good for you.

POM Refresh Mocktail

Diana kicked things off with the POM Refresh, a mocktail that's reminiscent of a Mojito but without the rum, making it ideal for those who are "sober curious." The star ingredient of this drink is POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice, which is made from whole pressed pomegranates with no added sugars or fillers. It’s a healthy choice that the entire family can enjoy.


  1. Start by muddling some fresh mint to release its aromatic oils.
  2. Add POM Wonderful 100% pomegranate juice to the mix.
  3. Pour in some sparkling soda water.
  4. Mix everything together, then strain to keep the mint leaves out of your drink.
  5. For a final touch, take a sprig of mint, clap it between your hands to release the fragrance, and place it in the glass.
  6. Top off the drink and enjoy!

This mocktail is not only refreshing but also perfect for summer gatherings.

Healthy Dessert with Wonderful Pistachios

Next, Diana shared a recipe for a creamy and nutritious dessert featuring Wonderful Pistachios. As a certified diabetes care and education specialist, Diana emphasized the importance of snacks that help keep blood sugar levels stable while providing lasting fullness. Wonderful Pistachios are rich in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, making them an excellent choice for those with or at risk of diabetes.


  1. The main ingredient is avocado, which adds heart-healthy fats and creaminess to the dessert.
  2. Add a ripe banana for extra fiber and natural sweetness.
  3. Blend the avocado and banana together in a blender or food processor.
  4. Mix in some cocoa powder for a chocolatey flavor.
  5. Sweeten to taste with dates, honey, or your preferred sweetener.
  6. Top with Wonderful Pistachios for added crunch and nutrients.

This dessert is not only quick to prepare but also a hit with the whole family, even those who might not guess that avocado is the secret ingredient.

Stay Connected with Diana
For more healthy recipes and nutrition tips, you can follow Diana at En La Mesa Nutrition on Instagram @enlamesanutrition or visit her website at She offers discovery calls for those interested in personalized nutrition guidance.

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