It is easy to think you have years before you will have to think about heart issues, but that is not always the case. Dr. Mary McGowan and Katherine Wilemon of the Family Heart foundation told us why it is important to get your heart checked at all ages.
According to McGowan and Wilemon, one in five people worldwide have inherited high lipoprotein(a) without knowing it. For people that have it, lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) can increase the risk of blood clotting and plaque buildup inside the blood vessels that deliver blood and oxygen to your heart and brain.
Checking for Lp(a) is simple, all you need to do is schedule a blood test. The test will indicate whether you have high levels of Lp(a), and if you do, a doctor can give you the necessary steps to take in order to reduce the risk of heart problems. As part of their campaign to raise awareness about Lp(a), the Family Heart Foundation has named March 24th Lipoprotein(a) Awareness Day.
For more info, you can visit
This Inside South Florida Segment is paid for by The Family Heart Foundation