Inside South Florida


Supporting Sobriety: Frank Hernandez's Mission to Help Addicts Recover in Miami


For two decades, Frank Hernandez has been a beacon of hope for individuals battling drug and alcohol addiction in Miami. Through his network of recovery homes, Hernandez provides a structured and supportive environment for those striving to maintain sobriety. Inside South Florida sat down with Frank to learn more about his journey and the impact of his work.

Frank Hernandez's commitment to helping others stems from his own experience with addiction. "I've been clean since February 22, 2004," Hernandez shared. "I've noticed the need for helping individuals who have all kinds of problems." His recovery journey motivated him to assist others in similar situations, leading him to establish several recovery homes in Miami.

Hernandez emphasizes the importance of structure and discipline in his recovery homes. "You want to have a curfew, you want to make sure you do random drug tests, you want to make sure they make their beds," he explained. "We take them to four AAA, NA meetings weekly. We have a bus, we take them – I drive that bus to make sure they go to the meetings." This rigorous approach ensures residents adhere to a routine that fosters sobriety and personal responsibility.

The recovery homes' program heavily integr ates 12-step meetings, which Hernandez believes are crucial for sobriety. "It's very important because it's a 12-step program," he said. "You find a sponsor that has worked the steps, has a sponsor, goes to meetings, and you help out the guys… The 12 steps are the program of our likelihood."

Seeing individuals transform through his program brings immense satisfaction to Hernandez. "To see a man come broken, destroyed from addiction, and to give him hope—that I've been there, I've done that," he recounted. "To see that individual start changing, finding a sponsor, working the steps, going to meetings…, maintaining a job, and contributing to society is like coaching baseball and watching a kid catch their first fly ball."

Hernandez acknowledges the challenges families face when dealing with a loved one's addiction. "You can't blame the family. They try everything, from tough love… [to seeking help from the courts]. Today, the courts… understand mental health,” he said. “There are organizations like Al-Anon for family members [of addicts]." His recovery homes provide a much-needed support system for both the individuals in recovery and their families.

For those seeking help or looking to support Hernandez's mission, call (786) 337-2231.

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