Most do not look forward to visiting the dentist. Better dental technological systems may create a better patient experience. CEO & Founder of SurfCT, Paul Vigario, joined Inside South Florida to share how a dental practice should look, function and operate in 2022.
“At the University of Connecticut, we did a project and developed this concept of how technology could help doctors,” says Vigario. “It went from a project into a full-fledged company. Our technology systems help them realize their vision and provide better oral health care.”
Subsequently, SurfCT’s technology can improve patient’s overall dentist visit.
“It lowers the barrier of entry so that it's easier to make an appointment at the dentist. The imaging and scanning technologies really make going to the dentist painless,” says Vigario. “Going to the dentist in 2022 is a completely new, unique and exciting experience.”
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This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by VIP Media.