“The Really Loud House” is a new live-action series on Nickelodeon, based on the animated series. Like its parent series, it follows 12-year-old Lincoln Loud, as he goes on adventures in the town of Row Woods with his best friend Clyde McBride. While also navigating the chaos of living in a family with 10 sisters. Stars of the show, Wolfgang Schaeffer and Jahzir Bruno joined Inside South Florida to share more about the series.
“Lincoln Loud is the man with a plan,” says Schaeffer. “He always has some sort of obscure plan that pretty much always ends in chaos related to either getting out of doing work or just for his own benefit.”
Like Lincoln, Schaeffer also has a sister, just not 10 of them.
“I have one sister, she's an older sister,” says Schaeffer. “It's definitely much different onset. But definitely my castmates are a part of my family now because after playing family for so long, you kind of develop a dynamic like no other.”
Bruno, who plays Lincoln's best friend and wingman, Clyde McBride shares what made him say yes to his role.
“I felt like it'd be interesting to see all the parts come together like a loud house live action,” says Bruno. “ It seemed fun, it was fun. I think it's a family show. It's a show that can bond families together even more.”
“The Really Loud House” premieres Thurs, Nov. 3, at 7pm on Nickelodeon.
This Inside South Florida Segment is paid for by PremiereTV