Inside South Florida


Tips for Fueling Teen Athletes: Insights from Former WNBA Athlete and Sports Dietitian Briana Butler


Disclaimer: This Inside South Florida segment is sponsored by GoGo squeeZ. All opinions and views are of the advertiser and does not reflect the same of WSFL-TV.

As the school sports season kicks off, young athletes must ensure their nutrition is on point to perform their best on the field. Briana Butler, a former WNBA athlete and renowned sports dietitian, recently joined Inside South Florida to share her top tips for fueling young athletes this fall and beyond.

Briana's number one tip for teen athletes is straightforward: nutrition doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. She emphasizes a simple formula to keep in mind:

Protein + Carbohydrates + Electrolytes

Ensuring that young athletes get a balance of these three components daily, alongside sufficient water intake, provides their bodies with the necessary nutrients for optimal performance both on and off the field.

Protein and carbohydrates play crucial roles in an athlete's diet, especially after activity:

  • Protein is essential for rebuilding and repairing muscles.
  • Carbohydrates are necessary for replenishing energy stores.

Briana suggests several easy, nutritious snacks to incorporate into an athlete's diet:

  1. Turkey and Cheese Roll-Ups: A quick and convenient source of protein.
  2. Nut-Based Trail Mix: A great grab-and-go option that provides a mix of protein and carbs, especially when mixed with dried fruit or chocolate chips.
  3. Baked Plantain Chips: A simple and healthy source of carbohydrates.
  4. Classic PB and J on Whole Wheat Bread: Offers protein from the peanut butter and carbohydrates from the jelly and bread.

These snacks are not only easy to prepare but also enjoyable for teens, making them perfect for fueling up after a game or practice.
During physical activity, athletes lose not just fluids but also vital electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. It’s crucial to replenish these electrolytes to maintain optimal performance.

While sports drinks are a common choice, Briana highlights other effective options:

  • Salted Pretzels: Provide both sodium and carbohydrates, making them a practical snack for active days.
  • GoGo squeeZ Active Fruit Blend with Electrolytes Pouches: These are powered by fruit, contain no added sugars, and are an excellent way to replenish electrolytes naturally.

For more nutrition tips tailored for young athletes, you can follow Briana and her team on Instagram at @power_portions. To learn more about the GoGo squeeZ Active Fruit Blend with Electrolytes pouches, visit

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