Pay equality among minorities and their counterparts is a hot topic. Chief Belonging, Diversity & Equity Officer at UKG, Brian K. Reaves, and Melissa Thomas-Hunt, The John Forbes Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at The University of Virginia, joined Inside South Florida to with some insights.
“The study confirms that the pay equity topic is tremendously complex. We need to look into what we call an ecosystem of equity,” says Reaves. “You also need equity of representation, equity of opportunity, and equity of well-being. Without all of those, you really can't get at the systemic issues that cause pay inequities.”
Race and gender inequalities can impact pay negotiations.
“The norms around negotiating comes from social capital, including the networks and relationships had. To that extent, women and underrepresented minorities have different networks,” says Thomas-Hunt. “They have different differential access to information and do not know where to start, how to start, or even if it’s okay to do so, which may introduce some friction into what they're able to negotiate.”
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This Inside South Florida segment is paid for by UKG.