ReboundManaging the Pressure


Staying Motivated and Fit With Virtual Workouts During Quarantine

and last updated

Taking care of your well-being and managing the pressure during this pandemic can difficult. If you’re juggling working from home, home-schooling your kids, and dozens of other distractions, you’re not alone. But a South Florida celebrity trainer says your health, both physical and mental, is worth adapting for. Today in our Rebound South Florida segment, we show you how you can stay motivated and fit during quarantine.

Gyms across the country have shut their doors in response to the Coronavirus. Forcing many trainers to host online classes as a way to keep their clients engaged and fit. Celebrity trainer Rachel Robinson is one of them.

“I think that if you’re not sweating every day, you’re going to get depressed,” said Rachel.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, getting enough physical activity could prevent 1 in 10 premature deaths. Rachel says working out for just 30 minutes a day is all you need and there is no need to get fancy with your fitness to get results, stick to the basics.

“The most basic three moves are squats, which always hit your legs, your butt, and it will get your heart rate up. Then pushups, it gets the abs. You really can get a full body (workout) in a push up if you do it correctly. Then I would say abs. Last thing you would do is roll over on your back and you can do sit ups," said Rachel.

Rachel says physical activity is not only good for your body but also for your mind.

"It doesn't matter what kind of shape you do your workout in. A lot of people say 'I have to get in shape to do your workout'. No, you don't. You can start this at any place you're at," said Rachel.

Michelle Ortiz-Carranza lost her job because of COVID-19. She worked as an international marketing analyst for Miami International Univeristy of Art & Design.

“It went from a complete amazing experience to just graduating, finding a dream job, being super young and happy with what I am doing in my career to completely losing everything due to COVID-19,” said Michelle.

For Michelle, and many people in South Florida, times are tough. She says the quarantine has made it extremely difficult to stay motivated every day.

“My whole family lives in California, so being isolated, alone, and having my family be isolated and alone over there... I didn’t realize how hard it would be even though I have been on my own for a while,” said Michelle.

But virtual calls and workouts with her friends are keeping her sane.

“A group of friends and I started doing the squat challenge, so we FaceTime each other to hold us accountable and so we’re like ‘did you do your 75 squats today?’, so we’ve been doing that,” said Michelle.

And age doesn’t matter when it comes to working out together. Just find something that works for you or your kids.

“Our lives are not going to look the same for maybe a very long time. So, we’re all going to have to slowly find ways that this new life works for us,” said Rachel.

You can find Rachel on her Instagram Lives everyday starting at 9:30 a.m. Her handle is Rachel_Fitness. You can also find her on YouTube.

You can find other South Florida Trainers like Rachel on Instagram.
@AubreyLauryn every Tuesday & Thursday at 5 p.m.
@SilvyAraujo (in Spanish) - everyday at 11 a.m.
@TrainWithGui - every Wednesday at 12 p.m. full body (upper body focus) and Fridays at 12:30 p.m. full body (lower body focus)
@AriasFitness is hosting Zoom workouts everyday, for more info email him at
Karlee from EPIC Brickell is hosting Zoom classes - go to @EpicTrainingMiami for more info.
@ECurry is hosting classes 3x a week through the MindBody App - more info on her page.
@BRPTraining every MWF at 8:30 a.m.
@CycleStar_Christine every Wednesday, find more info on her page.
Here's a list of more trainers on Instagram. You can find more info on their pages:

Other options include apps that offer virtual classes offered on apps like ClassPass or Apptiv.